Soil, Sand & Composts

Screened Topsoil

Screened topsoil is ideal for starting a new lawn or garden or improving the soil in any given area. Worked into existing soil, screened topsoil improves its texture, friability and water-retention properties. Adding compost, which is a blend of decomposed vegetation, to the screened topsoil adds valuable nutrients to deficient soil.

New topsoil rich in vegetative matter should be worked into the existing base and not simply allowed to sit on top, as this delays the decomposition process that enriches old soil.

Fill Dirt

Fill dirt is earthy material which is used to fill in a depression or hole in the ground or create mounds or otherwise artificially change the grade or elevation of real property. Fill dirt is usually subsoil an underlying soil parent material which has little soil organic matter or biological activity.

Fill dirt should be as free of organic matter as possible since organic matter will decompose creating pockets of empty space within the fill which could result in settling.

Turkey Compost

Compost is the end product resulting from the controlled biological decomposition of organic material from a feedstock into a stable, humus-like product that has many environmental benefits. Composting is a natural process that is managed to optimize the conditions for decomposing microbes to thrive.

A wide range of material may be composted, such as yard trimmings, wood chips, vegetable scraps, paper products, manures and biosolids. Compost may be applied to the top of the soil or incorporated into the soil.

Yellow Mason Sand

Mason sand is a fine-grained, cost-effective alternative to beach sand, which can be used on volleyball courts or in cement to make mortar. Mason sand is an essential ingredient in gunite swimming pools, and it is also used in the production of concrete paving stones.

Mason sand can be used in other areas of a large construction project as well as for a homeowner.

Concrete Sand

Most concrete sand is used in either concrete or hot mix asphalt (HMA). It can be used in large construction projects as well as for a homeowner. Other uses include pipe sand, utility sand, asphalt sand and as base material for concrete paver patios and walkways.

Concrete sand can be, depending on the quarry site, trap rock, granite, gneiss and limestone.

White Mason Sand

Mason sand is a fine-grained, cost-effective alternative to beach sand, which can be used on volleyball courts or in cement to make mortar. Mason sand is an essential ingredient in gunite swimming pools, and it is also used in the production of concrete paving stones.

Mason sand can be used in other areas of a large construction project as well as for a homeowner.